Managed IT security training

Fortify your cyber security skills with CSA’s comprehensive IT security training. Learn to reduce risk, protect against threats and ensure data safety.

Cyber security training for employees portal

IT security training for employees

As technology rapidly evolves, so does the potential risk of cyber threats finding their way into your organisation. Now more than ever, understanding and strengthening network IT security posture against cyber-attacks has never been more crucial. That’s where we come in.

On top of our Cyber Security Training for Employees​, Cyber Security Awareness’s (CSA) managed IT security training provides you and your team with a comprehensive learning experience, all year round, ensuring awareness of IT security is understood and stays top of mind.

Our IT security training for employees, crafted by our IT security experts, offers you a cost-effective and efficient IT security course that ensures a robust security awareness programme is up and running throughout your organisation and keeps that pace going throughout the entire business year.

Not only that, but our IT security training course comes with a myriad of features – actionable tasks, tips, task management monitoring and more – to ensure every penny spent on our IT security as a service, is spent well.

IT security training

Gain cyber essentials certification

Did you know, insurance data shows that organisations with Cyber Essential certification are 80% less likely to make a claim?

Certified organisations are better prepared for cyber attacks, which is why our IT cyber security training is designed to streamline your journey to that golden Cyber Essentials certification.

By providing thorough, up-to-date training modules (tailored to meet the specific requirements of the Cyber Essentials framework), our IT security management experts will guide your team through essential security practices, including secure configuration, malware protection, GDPR, and firewalls.

Additionally, our managed IT security integrates practical exercises and real-world scenarios, ensuring you’re not only prepared for the certification assessment, but also capable of maintaining that security post-certification.

With CSA’s IT security training, you benefit from continuous support and resources, reducing the challenges of achieving and retaining Cyber Essentials certification. CSA is here to help you safeguard your organisation against cyber threats while meeting industry standards through robust information security.

Woman completing IT security training

Benefits of our IT security training service

Interactive cyber security awareness training icon

IT security

Our IT security training for employees provides tailored advice and strategic solutions to address your specific security challenges. This ensures not only effective training, but also the implementation of strong security measures, facilitating your Cyber Essentials certification and fortifying your overall cybersecurity posture.

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Empower your

Our IT security service empowers employees with essential knowledge and skills. Equipping your team with the latest cyber security practices, CSA fosters a security-aware philosophy, reducing risks and enhancing overall protection. Empowered employees are better prepared to identify and respond to threats, significantly contributing to your organisation’s defence strategy.

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IT security incident

IT security consulting equips your team with the skills to quickly and effectively identify, manage, and mitigate security incidents. This proactive approach minimises damage, reduces downtime, and ensures a swift return to normal operations, strengthening your organisation’s resilience against cyber threats and aligning with best practices.

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Fully managed IT
security training

With CSA’s managed IT security, we handle everything, from developing tailored training agendas to monitoring progress and providing ongoing support. This total approach ensures consistent, up-to-date training, freeing your organisation from administrative burdens and letting you focus on the big-picture business needs.

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Reduce insurance

Our IT security training service can lead to a reduction in insurance premiums. By implementing comprehensive training and security practices, your organisation demonstrates a lower risk profile to insurers. This proactive approach can lead to lower premiums, providing financial savings, all while enhancing your cyber security posture.

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Raise your information

IT security managed services equip your team with essential knowledge and best practices to protect sensitive data, identify threats, and respond effectively to incidents. This proactive approach significantly strengthens your organisation’s overall security culture, ensuring compliance with frameworks like Cyber Essentials and safeguarding your critical information assets.

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Our managed IT security service

Phishing email test

Gauge IT security levels

Our managed IT security service employs a multifaceted approach to gauge IT security levels within your organisation. Initially, we conduct comprehensive assessments to identify existing vulnerabilities, evaluate current security measures, and understand potential threats. These assessments may include penetration testing, compliance audits and vulnerability scanning, all essential areas within a cyber security awareness training service.

Additionally, our IT security service includes regular security audits and reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with industry standards and best practices. We provide detailed reports and insights into your organisation’s security posture, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement.

Combining proactive monitoring, regular assessments, and expert analysis, our managed IT security training provides a comprehensive framework for gauging IT security levels. This proactive approach not only helps prevent security breaches, but also enables your organisation to continuously adapt and strengthen its defences in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Cyber security awareness training

Professional information security training

CSA’s IT security service delivers professional information security training through a bespoke approach, catering to the specific needs of your organisation.

Our expert team will devise training modules covering essential security practices, compliance standards, and emerging threats relevant to your industry. These modules are delivered through interactive online courses, ensuring engagement and knowledge retention among your staff. Also, our training modules provide practical insights, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises to enhance learning outcomes.

But that’s not all, our managed IT security service incorporates regular assessments and evaluations to track progress, measure effectiveness, and identify any gaps that may require further training or support.

By offering tailored training and continuous support, our managed IT security service equips your organisation with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance information security practices, mitigate risks, and safeguard against potential IT security threats effectively.

Monthly phishing tests

Ongoing phishing training and testing

Ask yourself this question. How many unwanted (and annoying) phishing and potentially business-damaging emails still land in your staff inbox every day?

Here’s the solution, CSA’s phishing protection services. With Phish999, you can bolster your employees’ security awareness whilst providing detailed insights into the potentially harmful emails they receive in their mailboxes.

Combining cutting-edge, patented AI technology and unique user awareness experiences, Phish999 protects your organisation from harmful phishing attacks and boosts employee vigilance towards cybercrime.

Innovative anti-phishing software will continuously analyse email interactions to keep your business safe from external threats on an ongoing basis, ensuring any new senders are safe for your employees to interact with.

Additionally, this advanced phishing protection software thoroughly scans inbound emails – even emails from trusted senders – to make sure suspicious content is flagged and alerts are in place for potentially harmful emails.

QR code phishing

QR code IT security training

An increasing threat in the cyber security landscape, QR code phishing attacks (or quishing) are a new and threatening advancement in the cybercrime vector. However, it might surprise you that many organisations aren’t aware of its damaging presence…

In fact, in a recent 2023 study, only 36% of recipients successfully identified and reported simulated quishing attacks, leaving a majority of organisations vulnerable to phishing threats.

CSA offers an effective QR code phishing service that tests your employees’ resilience to breaches with simulated QR code attacks, educating them on the threats of quishing through a short online course.

Through our QR Code phishing service, you’ll receive customised QR code scam simulation posters that reinforce learning and promote vigilance among employees. Additionally, we’ll implement a monitoring and evaluation system that measures employee engagement and assess the impact of a quishing awareness campaign.

Security Awareness Training and Testing is one of the best investments we made this year. We are able to keep all of our staff, including new starters, trained and up-to-date on all areas of cyber security.

Hiten Patel

Head of IT at Royal Academy of Dance

Royal Academy of Dance logo
Front of Royal Academy of Dance building

Frequently asked questions

IT security training educates employees about protecting digital assets and mitigating cybersecurity risks. It encompasses a range of topics, including identifying phishing attacks, creating strong passwords, understanding malware, and practising safe internet usage.

This training is essential for fostering a security-conscious culture within organisations, ensuring that staff are aware of potential threats and know how to respond to incidents.

The training often involves interactive sessions, workshops, and simulations to engage participants and reinforce learning. It covers regulatory compliance requirements, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI-DSS, ensuring that employees understand legal obligations related to data protection.

By empowering employees with knowledge and practical skills, IT security training helps reduce the likelihood of breaches, protects sensitive information, and enhances the overall security posture of the organisation. This proactive approach to cybersecurity is crucial in today’s digital landscape, where threats are constantly evolving.

Training employees in information security involves a structured, multi-faceted approach to ensure comprehensive understanding and adherence to security practices. Key steps include:

  • Assess Training Needs: Identify specific security threats and vulnerabilities relevant to the organisation and tailor the training accordingly.
  • Regular Training Sessions: Conduct periodic workshops and seminars to keep employees updated on the latest security threats and practices.
  • Simulated Attacks: Implement phishing simulations and other mock attacks to test and reinforce employee responses to real-world scenarios.
  • Continuous Learning: Offer ongoing education opportunities, including newsletters, webinars, and access to online courses.
  • Assessment and Feedback: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of training through quizzes, surveys, and performance assessments, and refine the program based on feedback.

By implementing these strategies, organisations can cultivate a security-aware culture and significantly enhance their defence against cyber threats.

Employees should be trained in IT security on a continuous and regular basis to keep them updated on evolving threats and security practices. Generally, comprehensive IT security training should be conducted annually. This ensures all employees receive up-to-date information on the latest threats, regulations, and best practices.

In addition to annual training, quarterly refresher courses or brief updates can reinforce key concepts and address emerging threats. This keeps security awareness top of mind and helps maintain a security-conscious culture.

New hires should receive IT security training during their onboarding process to familiarise them with the organisation’s security policies and procedures from the outset. Role-specific training should also be provided as necessary, ensuring that employees understand the security requirements relevant to their particular duties.

Moreover, training should be triggered by significant security incidents or changes in compliance requirements, ensuring employees are aware of new threats or regulatory changes that may impact their work.

Regular assessments, such as simulated phishing attacks, can gauge the effectiveness of the training and identify areas needing improvement. By maintaining a robust and consistent IT security training schedule, organisations can better protect themselves against cyber threats and reduce the risk of security breaches.

Yes, training can significantly improve your IT network security. Properly trained employees are more likely to recognise and avoid security threats, reducing the risk of human error, which is a leading cause of data breaches. For instance, when employees are trained to identify phishing emails, they are less likely to fall victim to these common attack vectors.

Training instils a culture of security awareness, making employees vigilant and proactive about protecting sensitive information. They learn to follow best practices for password management, data handling, and safe internet use, which collectively bolster the organisation’s security posture.

Moreover, training helps ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal penalties and reputational damage associated with data breaches. Employees become aware of the protocols for reporting security incidents, enabling swift responses that can mitigate damage.

Regular training keeps employees informed about the latest threats and security measures, ensuring they can adapt to the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape. Simulated attacks and role-specific training further enhance their ability to respond effectively to potential threats.

In summary, by empowering employees with the knowledge and skills to protect the IT network, training plays a crucial role in enhancing overall network security and reducing vulnerability to cyberattacks.

As organisations increasingly rely on cloud services, understanding the unique security challenges associated with the cloud becomes crucial. Well-trained employees are better equipped to handle these challenges and safeguard sensitive data stored and processed in the cloud.

Cloud IT security training ensures that employees understand best practices for cloud security, such as proper configuration of cloud services, strong access controls, and data encryption. It helps them recognise potential vulnerabilities and avoid common mistakes, like misconfiguration cloud storage or using weak authentication methods, which can lead to data breaches.

Employees learn about the shared responsibility model in cloud security, which clarifies their roles and the roles of cloud service providers in protecting data. This knowledge enables them to implement appropriate security measures and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements.

Regular training updates employees on the latest cloud security threats, such as advanced persistent threats (APTs) and cloud-specific malware. They also become proficient in using cloud security tools and practices, like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and continuous monitoring, enhancing the overall security posture of the organisation.

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